My galleries of art.

My galleries of art.
@ Deviant Art you can find all my latest illustrations & renders. Please feel free to visit & critique. \(^-^)/


Going pro

Well, it took a few months, but I am about to make my first real business transaction for art.  

Here is a blue light render of the piece;  Azure Harp

It still sorta amazes me that this is possible, that people actually want to pay good money for my work.  It means a lot to me because I am technically an artistic inspired amateur, and not really school trained.  With the exception of elementary art and an intro to art class in college, I am self taught.  Most of which comes from being incredibly bored in school and drawing on my papers.  I even had a few regular teachers in high school who would give me extra credits for doodles on math and english homework, though most teachers hated it and wouldn't allow me to draw saying it detracted from my studies.  Too bad art is my meditation and I can't really remember without it.  So many pontificators are full of themselves, too egotistical to understand that most of us ADD & ADHD types require other methods of study and note taking.  I guess that's why it feels so good to be getting noticed for something I was usually punished for.
To all the teachers who let me draw in non-art classes, I owe a debt of gratitude for trusting that my style was different, and I was still paying attention even if I was multitasking.  Funny how what is punished in school is often "what it takes" to make it;  in a world with so much competition, it is a rough time for the specialists.  
I am hoping to take the first profits I make to fund some supplies & xmas presents.  This is so fantastic because I was sure I'd be broke around the holidays, yet again.  Hopefully this year is a turning point in my life;  most of my personal healing is working & now I feel at least more capable of succeeding in anything.  Eventually I hope to add music production and rendered animation to my resumè.  

Thank you Will for being my first customer.^^
I hope the Harp brings you as much happiness in World of Dungeons as it brought me drawing it.

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